Brine Treatment/Spray

A brine prespray is a proactive approach for preventing ice and snow buildup on surfaces, ensuring safe and efficient operations.

Environmentally Friendly

Brine Application

At Outscape we believe in being pro-active. We apply liquid anti-icing substances (brine) to our clients’ parking lots and walkways before a forecasted ice or snowstorm. Brine is a versatile solution composed of water and salt and other optional additives.

Brine offers numerous advantages as a deicing agent. The liquid nature of brine ensures better coverage, effectively treating a larger surface area. Additionally, brine eliminates the issue of salt residue being tracked into homes and businesses, maintaining a cleaner environment.

Preventively spraying surfaces helps to prevent the snow and ice from bonding to the surface. This makes it easier to remove the snow and ice, ensures a higher quality clear and uses less salt to eliminate risks following a snowfall. This helps to reduce the liability on your property.

Brine is an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional salt-based technologies since it minimizes the harmful effects on vegetation and water bodies. It also reduces the amount of rock salt needed to clean away any remaining ice following the clear after the storm.